All You Need To Know About Cryotherapy

The Ultimate Guide to Cryotherapy: Benefits, Risks, and Everything in Between Oxford

What is Cryotherapy Oxford?

Are you interested in trying out cryotherapy? This relatively new therapy has gained popularity in recent years, with many claiming its benefits. But before you jump into a cryotherapy session, it’s essential to understand what it is, how it works, and what to expect. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about cryotherapy.

What is Cryotherapy Oxford?

Cryotherapy is a form of therapy that involves exposing the body to extreme cold temperatures, typically ranging from minus 100 to minus 200 degrees Celsius, for a short period. The therapy can be applied to specific areas of the body or the whole body.

The therapy has gained popularity for its potential health benefits, including pain relief, muscle recovery, weight loss, and reducing inflammation. However, while cryotherapy has been around for decades, there is still limited research on its long-term effects.


Types of Cryotherapy

There are several types of cryotherapy, including:

  1. Whole-body cryotherapy: Involves exposing the entire body to extremely cold air in a cryotherapy chamber for a few minutes.

  2. Partial-body cryotherapy: Involves applying cold temperatures to specific areas of the body, such as the knees or shoulders.

  3. Cryofacial: Involves applying cold temperatures to the face to promote circulation, reduce inflammation, and rejuvenate the skin.

Benefits of Cryotherapy Oxford

Cryotherapy has been associated with several potential health benefits, including:

  1. Pain relief: Cryotherapy can help reduce pain and inflammation, making it popular among athletes for muscle recovery.

  2. Boosts weight loss: The cold temperatures can help boost metabolism and burn calories, making it useful for weight loss.

  3. Reduces inflammation: Cryotherapy has been found to reduce inflammation, which can be beneficial for those with autoimmune diseases.

  4. Improves mood and energy levels: Cryotherapy has been found to increase endorphin levels, promoting a feeling of well-being and energy.

Risks of Cryotherapy

While cryotherapy is generally considered safe, there are some risks associated with the therapy, including:

  1. Frostbite: Exposure to extreme cold can cause frostbite, especially if you have sensitive skin or stay in the chamber for too long.

  2. Skin irritation: Some people may experience skin irritation or redness after cryotherapy.

  3. Dizziness and nausea: The extreme cold can cause dizziness and nausea, especially if you stay in the chamber for too long.


Cryotherapy is a relatively new therapy that has gained popularity for its potential health benefits.

While it is generally considered safe, there are some risks associated with the therapy, such as frostbite and skin irritation.

If you are considering cryotherapy, be sure to talk to your doctor first and choose a reputable provider.

At LA LIPO, we offer cryotherapy services to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. Contact us today to learn more about our cryotherapy services and how they can benefit you.

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